What are False Positives?

False Positives are messages that your Spam Filter thinks are spam but your users don't think are spam. The users are always right. They need these messages now.

Are False Positives Painful?

YES! Most filters have a remote quarantine in a distant server. These send a daily report of blocked messages, requiring a user to login and release these messages. Does that sound overly complicated? It is. And if the blocked message is important mail, multiply that pain times 10x.

How do I configure my Spam Filter to work with InboxGenius?

Tell you spam filter to not block low confidence spam. Most have a sliding setting, between 1 (better) and 10 (worse). Set it to 5 and allow the messages to go to the Inbox. What? The Inbox? That's right. Inbox Genius will redirect them to the Junk folder for user inspection. And prevent your iPhone or Android device from notifying you of spam!

How Does Inbox Genius Prevent False Positives?

This is part of our genius! If the false positive is from "someone you know", or someone in your organization, we override the spam filter and put it into the Inbox! Voila, problem of false positives fixed!

Can I Block People that I know?

Simply dragging and dropping an email message into the Junk folder will put all future messages from that user in Junk. Goodbye bad sender!

Can I Allow a Blocked Message?

If an email ends up in an undesired folder, simply drag and drop that email to the desired folder. We guarantee that InboxGenius will always put that email in the target folder from that point forward! (or until the user drags and drops it into another folder.)

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