SpamSentinel Resellers by Country
with Customer Ratings |
| Afghanistan
| | move4ideas move4ideas is an ISV for IBM© technologies.The creation of the company was decided during Connect, the annual event organized by IBM in January 2012 in Florida . Jérôme Deniau and Morgan Clement have been independent consultants for more than ten years, Patrice Villemagne is a renown professional in the french IBM Software ecosystem and Fabien Clement comes with his expertise in software R&D and technical teams management.. move4ideas strategy focuses on human interactions through Messaging and Social Business Platforms. Since its creation in June 2012 move4ideas has developped close ties with international partners. move4ideas est un éditeur de solutions logicielles axées sur les technologies IBM©.La création de la société s'est décidée en Janvier 2012 en Floride lors de l'événement annuel Connect organisé par IBM©.
,move4ideas Jérôme Deniau et Morgan Clément, consultants indépendants depuis plus de dix ans, se sont associés ŕ Patrice Villemagne, personnalité reconnue dans l'écosystčme logiciel IBM©.Fabien Clément apporte quant ŕ lui son expertise en recherche et développement logiciel pour compléter l'équipe.La société axe sa stratégie logicielle sur les interactions entre la messagerie et les réseaux sociaux d'entreprise.move4ideas a tissé dčs sa création en Juin 2012 des liens privilégiés avec des partenaires internationaux.
| Argentina
| | Inaxis S.A. Somos una empresa de informática dedicada a la integración de tecnología para los negocios. Nuestro objetivo es brindar servicios relacionados con tecnologías que potencien el trabajo en equipo. Para ello nos hemos especializado desde un principio en el soporte técnico, soporte a usuarios, desarrollo de aplicaciones, soporte de administración, capacitación y provisión de productos y licencias.
Hemos desarrollado alianzas para ayudar mejor a nuestros clientes.
We are a software company dedicated to the integration of technology for business. Our goal is to provide services related to technologies that promote teamwork. To do this we have specialized from the outset technical support, user support, development application, management support, training and supply of products and licenses. We have developed partnerships to help our customers better.
| Australia
| | 360 Consulting Consulting - From answering questions to enterprise-wide hardware installations, 360 can help you manage your day-to-day technology requirements. Systems Management - This is the full 360 Consulting solution where we become your technology department, managing every degree of your technology needs.
| Australia
| | ECS Computer Solutions ECS Computer Solutions prides itself on being a reliable, trusted, cost effective IT integrator and valued partner to our customers. We supply and support a wide array of IT related products as well as high quality personnel in the Lotus Notes and Networking arena. We always put the business driven outcomes required by our customers first.
| Australia
| | iTeam iTeam provides expert computer training, Specialising in Lotus Notes and Domino Technologies. Since 1995 our organisation has delivered Software Education programs across the country, and around the world. iTeam has gained accreditation by IBM as Tasmania’s only Authorised Independent Training Provider (AITP - formerly Lotus Authorised Education Centre) - confirming our status at Tasmania’s only training provider with the competence and experience with IBM products to ensure effective delivery of IBM training courses. Coupled with this exclusive Tasmanian accreditation, iTeam is also a Microsoft Certified Partner, attesting to our level of knowledge, skill and experience with the use and implementation of Microsoft software products.
| Australia
| | Notability Established in 1994, Notability is a Lotus Notes Consulting Company focused on delivering tailored Lotus Notes Systems for clients. Notability has the experience and skills to provide clients with everything required for a Lotus Notes solution for their companies needs, from Servers through to Lotus Notes Application Development and Web solutions. With our extensive networking experience we also provide network support and other I.T. services.
| Australia
| | Stratatel As a Premier IBM Software Business Partner, Stratatel delivers business management solutions and services across all 6 IBM Software Pillars; Lotus, WebSphere, Tivoli, Rational, Information Management and Business Analytics.
We help your organisation innovate and become more flexible, while making the most of your current resources, controlling costs and ultimately making better business decisions.
Our commitment to client-focused integrated service drives our desire to continue the development and enhancement of our extensive product range.
| Australia
| | Systems Net Systemnet is an established, results based, IT solutions company catering for the network infrastructure requirements of small and medium business in Australia and internationally. We provide consultation, procurement, deployment, maintenance and support services on computer networks with the objective of maximizing the return on every IT dollar spent. Systemnet provides clients with an array of technology solutions through the diversified skill set of our systems engineers. We are product agnostic and procure, implement and manage a multitude of technologies, products and solutions.
| Australia
| | Team Reliance Team Reliance provides high quality Lotus Notes/Domino solutions for customers on a project or time basis. Our specialists have unparalleled, real world experience in the delivery of applications that are tailored to specific business requirements.
Thorough business analysis, accurate technical specifications, adherence to best practice and quality project management are all integral in successfully delivering a business application. Team Reliance has repeatedly shown it's ability to tie these elements together to do just that.
Our experience has been gleaned from many years of working on projects throughout Australia and globally, in the public and private sector.
Whether you entrust Team Reliance with the task of developing an integrated business application or an innovative web solution, you can be assured of receiving a world class system that delivers a tangible ROI and becomes a valuable business asset.
| Austria
| | Officio IT Sie wollen im Bereich der IT auf Nummer sicher gehen und Ihre sensiblen Daten nur in die Hände wirklich gut ausgebildeter Fachleute geben? Wir realisieren Ihre individuelle EDV-Konzeption und sorgen für eine zukunftsorientierte IT-Vernetzung. Professionelle Beratung, Betreuung und Schulung sind selbstverständlich. Wir verstehen aber nicht nur unser Geschäft, sondern vor allem auch Ihres! So entstehen für Sie nachhaltige, wirtschaftliche IT-Lösungen, welche optimal auf Ihr Unternehmen abgestimmt sind.
We help you achieve your IT goals and provide a future-oriented IT networking. Professional advice, support and training without saying. We do not take care of just our business, but also yours! This is how we provide sustainable, cost-effective IT solutions that are optimized for your business.
| Belgium
| | Q-ICTOS Q-ICTOS provides Lotus Domino software development and consulting services to a variety of organisations ranging from small and medium businesses to large enterprises.
| Brazil
| | Ascendant Technology A Ascendant Technology é uma empresa com mais de 210 arquitetos, consultores, analistas e desenvolvedores dedicados que trabalham centenas de milhares de horas para construir soluçőes elegantes em uma variedade de plataformas, indústrias e problemas comerciais.
Nos orgulhamos da nossa envergadura e profundidade de entendimento técnico e comercial e do capital intelectual que produzimos. Para oferecer aos nossos clientes benefício total da nossa experięncia e trabalhos já realizados, nós capturamos, refinamos e empacotamos as melhores metodologias, padrőes de soluçőes, e artefatos de software como uma série de ativos que farăo com que seu próximo investimento seja melhor, mais rápido, e claro, mais barato.
Ascendant Technology is a company with over 210 architects, consultants, analysts and developers who work devoted thousands of hours to build elegant solutions in a variety of platforms, industries and business problems.
We are proud of our breadth and depth of technical understanding and commercial and intellectual capital that we produce. To offer our customers the full benefit of our experience and work already done, we capture, refine and package the best methodologies, standard solutions, and software artifacts as a series of assets that will make your next investment is better, faster And of course cheaper.
| Canada
| | Castlebreck Technologies There are numerous places you can engage a provider like Castlebreck to help. It would be too limiting to list them individually. From oursoftware solutions, application development services, IBM/Linux and open source solutions, and myriad of other possibilities, to name just a few, we can assist you.
| Canada
| | Nashen Technologies Nashen Technologies is above all a team of experienced consultants, certified in several fields of expertise. Our solutions optimize the use of technology to increase the efficiency of business processes within companies and thus increase their profitability. The quality of our services, our IT expertise and collaborative data management makes us a technology partner of choice.
| Canada
| | Pacific Coast Info Systems Lotus Domino Server implementation, troubleshooting Domino server configuration or administration issues, migrating to or from Microsoft Exchange, integrating Lotus Domino with other technologies, or looking for custom application or web application development — our team of IBM Certified Lotus Domino Administration and Development specialists can help.
| Canada
| | Serti Informatique Solidement implantée depuis 1975, Serti Informatique Inc., une entreprise québécoise, opčre de ses bureaux situés ŕ Montréal. Aux premičres loges de la révolution informatique des trois derničres décennies, Serti a développé une expertise inégalée qui profite ŕ tous ses clients et partenaires.
Le succčs de notre entreprise est l'aboutissement d'un travail d'équipe et d'un regroupement d'expérience et de connaissances qui positionnent Serti comme chef de file dans le domaine des technologies de l'information. La somme de nos compétences et de notre expérience assure une base solide sur laquelle vous pourrez appuyer tous vos projets reliés aux TI – en toute confiance.
Established in 1975, Serti Informatique Inc., a Quebec company, operates from its offices in Montreal. With a front-row seat on the computer revolution over the past three decades, Serti has developed unparalleled expertise that benefits all its customers.
The success of our company is the result of teamwork and an amalgamation of experience and knowledge that position Serti in the driver's seat in the information technology field. The combination of our skills and experience ensures a solid foundation for all your IT projects – one that you can trust.
| Canada
| | Workaround Software Inc. Formed in 2004 to address the needs of clients using collaborative technologies to automate business processes. Our strengths lie in designing and developing sophisticated workflow applications.
| Chile
| | INFO2000 Consultores INFO2000 es una sociedad de profesionales fundamentada en ser una compańía tecnológicamente líder, aplicando las nuevas soluciones de software para hacer su empresa más rentable. Info2000 inicio sus actividades en 1995, desde luego nuestra misión es de ayudar nuestros clientes a ser más eficientes y competitivos a través del uso de soluciones tecnológicas y servicios informáticos.
INFO2000 is a professional society based on being a leading technology companies, applying the new software to make your company more profitable.
Info2000 started its activities in 1995, since then our mission is to help our customers be more efficient and competitive through the use of technological solutions and services computing.
| Czech Republic
| | Data Intertech s.r.o. Hlavní obchodní činností společnosti jsou dodávky výpočetní techniky a služeb, t.j. především :
- dodávky produktů IBM, HP, SW licencí, periferií, doplňků
- hardwarová a softwarová instalace serverů a pracovních stanic
- dodávka a instalace standardního software
- školení uživatelů, poradenská služba
- zpracování projektu sítě
- externí správa počítačových sítí a podpora správců sítí
- podpora řešení a systémová správa Lotus Notes
The main business is the supply of computer equipment and services, ie in particular:
- supply IBM, HP, software licensing, peripherals, accessories
- Implementation of custom CRM applications for Lotus Notes Agenda
- Support for system management, and Lotus Notes
| Czech Republic
| | Dworkin Communication Dworkin s.r.o. vznikla v roce 1995 s úmyslem vytvářet profesionalní a spolehlivé zázemí uživatelům výpočetní techniky. Po celou dobu existence naší společnosti zabezpečujeme systémovou podporu malých i velkých firem. Těmto subjektům poskytujeme komplexní servis IT. Naše služby zajišťují IT inženýři, IT technici a IT studenti. Většina IT inženýrů disponuje minimálně 5-ti letou praxí v oboru. Jeden IT inženýr pečuje o potřeby cca. 110 - 170 uživatelů.
Dworkin s.r.o. was established in 1995 with the intention to create a professional and reliable background for users using computer technologies. Throughout the existence of our company we provide system support for small and large companies. These subjects are provided by complex IT service. Our services are assured by IT engineers, IT technicians and IT students. Most of our IT engineers has at least 5 years of experiences in this field. One IT engineer cares about the needs of approx. 110 to 170 users.
| Czech Republic
| | IQsystems IQsys s.r.o. je společnost zabývající se informačními technologiemi.
Naším zákazníkům poskytujeme služby v oblasti správy servrů, zabezpečení sítí, VPN a vzdáleného přístupu, instalace a admninistrace Exchange a Lotus Domino.
We are mainly focusing on support for our customers including server management, security management, VPN and remote access, Exchange and Lotus Domino server installation and management. We provide services in the management server, network security, VPN and remote access, installation and admninistrace Exchange and Lotus Domino.
| Czech Republic
| | PosAm IT s.r.o. PosAm působí na slovenském a českém trhu od roku 1990. Z několika nadšenců výpočetní techniky se společnost rozvinula do firemní struktury certifikované normou ISO 9001:2000 s více než 240 zaměstnanci. PosAm je držitelem Národní ceny SR za kvalitu a jako první slovenská společnost se stal držitelem ocenění „Recognized for Excellence in Europe“ Evropské nadace pro řízení kvality EFQM. Od roku 2007 je PosAm i jejím řádným členem.
PosAm has been operating on the Slovak and Czech market since 1990. Out of a few IT enthusiasts the company has developed into a firm structure certified by ISO 9001:2000 with more than 240 employees. PosAm is a holder of the National Quality Award of the Slovak Republic and as the first Slovak company it was granted “Recognized for Excellence in Europe” by the European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM). Since 2007 PosAm has been its regular member.
| Denmark
| | BunsinessCom A/S House of Mobile Solutions Rĺdgivning, levering og implementering af komplette IT- og telelřsninger til virksomheder.... Vore ydelser omfatter blandt andet:
IBM Lotus Notes / Domino
Anti-Spam software til Domino (SpamSentinel)
Udvikling af Notes- og mobilapplikationer
Uddannelse i Lotus Notes
Consulting, delivery and implementation of complete IT and telecommunications solutions for businesses .... Our services include:
IBM Lotus Notes / Domino
Anti-Spam software for Domino (spam Sentinel)
Development Notes and mobile applications
Training in Lotus Notes
| Denmark
| | CanIT CanIT har meget stor erfaring med Lotus Notes/Domino samt stor kendskab til hele Lotus produktportefřljen. Implementation, opgradering, installation samt opgradering er blot nogle af kompetencerne. IBM Everyplace Access Server 4.3.x/5.x installation, implementation, konfiguration samt telefon- og PDA synkronisering m.m. er ligeledes et kerneomrĺde.
CanIT has extensive experience with Lotus Notes / Domino and the great knowledge of the entire Lotus product portfolio. Implementation, upgrade, installation and upgrading are just some of the competencies. IBM Everytime Place Access Server 4.3.x/5.x installation, implementation, configuration, and phone and PDA synchronization, etc. is also a core area.
| Denmark
| | Celau Data Aps Celau Data is specialized in Lotus Notes/Domino with focus on System Administration. Started in 1999 after working for some of the largest Lotus Business Partners in Denmark. Working with Notes/Domino since 1993/version 2.1.
| Denmark
| | Danicon ApS Vort speciale er administration og softwareudvikling til Lotus Notes og Lotus Domino, hvor vi har erfaring fra alle releases siden version 3.
Vi leverer primćrt konsulentbistand og softwareudvikling til virksomheder med 100 til 500 ansatte; men vi har ogsĺ bĺde střrre og mindre kunder.
We specialize in administration and software development for Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino. Our primary customer base consists of companies with 100 to 500 employees, but we also have both smaller and larger customers.
| Finland
| | Documenta Oy Toimiva dokumenttien ja asiakkuuksien hallinta on tukipilari, johon organisaation on helppo tukea toimintansa. Tarjoamiemme ratkaisujen avulla asiakkaamme pystyvät tehostamaan toimintaansa ja keskittymään ydintoimintaansa. Ratkaisujemme avulla organisaatioissa oleva tieto saadaan tuottamaan.
,Documenta Oy ___________________________________________________________________________
,Documenta Oy Effective documentation and customer relationship management is the mainstay of the organization which is easy to support its activities. We provide solutions for our customers to step up its activities and to focus on their core business. Solutions enable organizations to produce the information obtained.
| France
| | ACTIVEWEB Basé sur des serveurs physiques ou virtualisés en fonction de vos besoins, nous vous proposons d'héberger vos solutions applicatives. Nous disposons de plusieurs 'Data Center' pour vous offrir des solutions d'hébergement adaptées ŕ vos besoins de disponibilité.
Selon vos besoins, nous proposons différents types de messagerie :
- IBM Lotus Notes
- POP3 / WebMail
Nos services complémentaires de messagerie :
- SpamSentinel Hosted
- AW mailPro : filtrage anti-spam et anti-virus
- AW mailMobility : accčs depuis un terminal mobile
Using our physical and virtualized servers based on your requirements, ActivWeb can host your application solutions. We have several 'Data Centers' to offer hosting solutions tailored to your needs.
Using our physical and virtualized servers based on your requirements, ActivWeb can host your application solutions. We have several 'Data Centers' to offer hosting solutions tailored to your needs.
Depending on your needs, we offer different types of messaging:
- IBM Lotus Notes
- POP3 / WebMail
Our complementary services email:
- SpamSentinel Hosted
- AW MailPro : spam filtering and anti-virus
- mailMobility AW : access from a mobile
| France
| | NON STOP Systems Fort de ses expériences et de son expertise, le Competence Center de NON STOP Systems saisit l’importance d’avoir un systčme d’information fiable et performant afin que la sécurité des données de l’entreprise soit assurée. Car si votre SI s’arręte, c’est votre entreprise qui s’arręte, NSS fait le choix de mettre en place des solutions et des services pour assurer la continuité de vos données et la pérennité de votre entreprise. Vous ętes une PME – PMI rencontrant des problčmes avec votre infrastructure (arręts de production, pertes de données), vous avez besoin d’un partenaire pour garantir la sécurisé et la performance de votre Systčme d'Informations.
With its experience and expertise, the Competence Center NON STOP Systems understands the importance of having a system of reliable and efficient so that the security of corporate data is secured. Because if your IT stops, it stops your company, NSS chosen to implement solutions and services to ensure continuity of your data and the continuity of your business. You are an SME - PMI experiencing problems with your infrastructure (production downtime, loss of data) you need a partner to ensure the secure and performance of your Information System.
| Germany
| | ebf Wir steigern die Effizienz Ihres Unternehmens
Als IT-Dienstleister entwickelt ebf für Sie innovative Software-Produkte und -Lösungen für mobile Plattformen wie BlackBerry oder iPhone. Durch die weltweite Verfügbarkeit von zentralen Unternehmensdaten schaffen wir reibungslose Kommunikationsabläufe, die sich im Umsatz messen lassen
We increase the efficiency of your company
As an IT service provider develops ebf to you innovative software products andsolutions for mobile platforms like BlackBerry or iPhone. The worldwide availability of key corporate data, we create easy communication processes to be measured in the sales.
| Germany
| | Glombitza Informations-Systeme Als Anbieter von Softwarelösungen und Services können wir unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen mit IBM Software zu kombinieren. Wir bieten Ihnen die komplette Lösung aus einer Hand zu äußerst attraktiven Preisen.
Wenden Sie sich gleich an!
- Unsere herzliche Empfehlung gegen Ihre Spam-Mails -
Die Anti-Spam / Anti-Virus Lösung gegen Spam und Viren für Ihren Mailserver
(jedes SMTP auch MS-Exchange) heisst SpamSentinel von MayFlower Software. Jetzt auch auf Deutsch!
Nach der einmaligen Installation und Konfiguration haben Sie so gut wie keinen Aufwand mehr!
Überzeugen Sie sich von der Leistungsfähigkeit des Produkts - wir informieren Sie gerne über die Features und Preise.
As a provider of software solutions and services, we can combine our products and services with IBM Software. We offer the complete solution from one source at very attractive prices.
Apply now and you can!
- Our hearty recommendation against your spam e-mails -
The Anti-Spam / Anti-Virus solution against spam and viruses for your mail server
(Each SMTP and MS-Exchange) is called by Mayflower Software Spam Sentinel. Now available in German!
After the one-time installation and configuration, you have practically no cost more!
Convince yourself of the efficiency of the product - we inform you about the features and prices.
| Hungary
| | EMIB Consulting Hitvallásunk szerint az Informatika a vállalatok olyan erőforrása, mely az üzletmenet gazdaságosságát és hatékonyságát, így sikerességét hivatott elősegíteni. Meggyőződésünk, hogy a számítástechnika és informatika helyesen alkalmazva hathatós eszköz az üzleti területek hatékonyabbá tételére. E területek megfelelő összehangolása kulcsfontosságú, ezért cégünk célja, hogy a felhasználó igényei szerint, cégre szabottan és feladat specifikusan nyújtson nyugat-európai színvonalú informatikai és információtechnológiai szolgáltatásokat. "Termékeink" összességében és külön modulokként is megfelelnek szigorú informatikai követelményeknek.
We believe that Information Technology is a corporate resource aimed at supporting business efficiency and success. We are convinced that if properly used, Information Technology may become an effective tool for making business areas more efficient. Co-ordination of such areas is essential, therefore our Company is eager to provide mission-critical IT services tailored to the needs of each customer at EU quality. Our products in their complexity and each of the modules comply with the most severe IT standards.
| Italy
| | Gruppo Ciemme Srl La disponibilitŕ, la qualitŕ e l’attualitŕ delle informazioni sono alla base di qualsiasi decisione o processo. Condividere dati in maniera sicura, integrando piattaforme e tecnologie diverse, per creare una collaborazione aziendale efficiente, completa e integrata, č la chiave del vero successo. Lotus č la tecnologia, Gruppo Ciemme il partner.
The availability, quality and timeliness of information are the basis for any decision process. Sharing data in a secure manner, integrating different technologies and platforms, creating efficient business collaboration, comprehensive and integrated, is the key to success. Lotus is the technology, the parnter is Group Ciemme.
| Italy
| | IGNITRON IT IGNITRON IT offre consulenza tecnolgica nell'ambito dei sistemi di comunicazione e collaborazione, progettando e realizzando sistemi di messaggistica e condivisione delle informazioni basati sulle migliori tecnologie offerte dal mercato. Utilizzando i piů comuni canali di comunicazione, posta elettronica, messaggistica istantanea, PEC, fax, sms, IGNITRON IT permette ai propri clienti di ottimizzare lo scambio di informazioni con i partner e di raggiungere ottimi livelli di servizio con il massimo contenimento dei costi.
IGNITRON IT č Business Partner di IBM. Il suo personale tecnico e commerciale č in possesso di certifiicazioni specifiche per i prodotti IBM Lotus Domino e Sametime, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Exchange, Vmware Zimbra.
Il personale di IGNITRON IT č inoltre in possesso di esperienza ultradecennale sui prodotti Spamsentinel di Maysoft ed Extrafax di Extracomm.
IGNITRON IT designs communication and collaboration systems based on the best technologies available on the market. Using the most common channels of communication, e-mail, instant messaging, fax, sms, IGNITRON IT enables its customers to optimize the exchange of information with partners and to achieve excellent levels of service with the minimization of costs.
IGNITRON IT is am IBM Business Partner. Technical and commercial staff own specific certifications for IBM Lotus Domino and Sametime, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Exchange, Zimbra VMware.
IGNITRON IT staff is also in possession of ten years experience of product Spamsentinel Maysoft and ExtraFax Extracomm.
| Italy
| | Quattroemme Quattroemme sin dal 1987, anno della sua nascita, ha focalizzato la propria attivitŕ sui temi del Groupware, rispondendo all’ esigenza delle organizzazioni di migliorare e promuovere la collaborazione tra le persone e la condivisione delle informazioni, al fine di ottimizzare i processi comunicativi per renderle piů efficienti e competitive.
Quattroemme since 1987, the year of its inception, has focused its activities on the themes of Groupware, in response to 'need for organizations to improve and promote collaboration between people and information sharing in order to optimize communication processes to make them more efficient and competitive.
| Mexico
| | ISETEC La misión de Isetec es elevar al máximo la rentabilidad de las empresas, proporcionando las mejores soluciones con Tecnologías de Información y el mejor nivel de consultoría.
Isetec's mission is to maximize the profitability of enterprises, providing the best Information Technology solutions and the highest level of consulting.
| Mexico
| | Polaris Mexicana Polaris Mexicana ofrece Soluciones de Software de Alto Impacto para Organizaciones en México y LatinoAmerica.
Polaris of Mexico offers high-impact Software Solutions to organizations in Mexico and Latin America.
| Netherlands
| | Silverside B.V. Silverside is de pragmatische implementatie partner, die in dialoog met organisaties business vraagstukken rondom digitaal samenwerken vertaalt naar praktische en innovatieve oplossingen voor Social Intranet, Document Management en Enterprise Search.
Silver Side is the pragmatic implementation partner, in dialogue with organizations, business issues surrounding digital collaboration translates into practical and innovative solutions for Social Intranet, Document Management and Enterprise Search.
| Netherlands
| | Tridax Software aast het specialisme in Lotus Notes ontwikkelt Tridax Software ook op aanvraag maatwerk applicaties. Dit kunnen bijvoorbeeld client-server of standalone applicaties zijn.
Nieuwe licenties / upgrade naar Lotus Domino/Notes 7
Onderhoud Lotus Notes maatwerk applicaties
Systeemonderhoud Lotus Domino 6 of 7 mail & agenda
Geadvanceerde SpamFilter voor Lotus Domino installeren met of zonder virusscanner (SpamSentinel)
Nieuwe server installatie of cluster omgeving
Besides specialization in Lotus Notes Tridax Software develops custom applications by appointment. These may be client-server or standalone applications
New licensing / upgrade to Lotus Domino / Notes 7
Maintenance Lotus Notes custom applications
System Maintenance Lotus Domino 6 or 7 mail & calendar
Advanced SpamFilter for Lotus Domino or install a virus scanner (SpamSentinel)
New server installation or cluster environment
| Poland
| | InfoLAN Firma InfoLAN jest przedsiębiorstwem prywatnym działającym na rynku od 1996 roku. Nasi Klienci to firmy z sektora małego i średniego biznesu oraz międzynarodowe korporacje. Nasze usługi świadczymy na terenie całej Polski. Z powodzeniem realizujemy kilkadziesiąt kontraktów serwisowych oraz prowadzimy sprzedaż do kilkuset firmw Polsce.
Company InfoLAN is a private company operating in the marketsince 1996. Our customers are companies from the sector of small and medium-sized business and multinational corporations. We provide our services throughout the entire Polish. We successfully realized dozens of contracts, service , and we sell to hundreds of companies in Poland.
| Romania
| | FivePlus Solutions SRL Pentru a defini optiunile Dumneavoastra, a identifica cea mai potrivita solutie si pentru a intelege cat mai bine implicarea in astfel de proiecte, FivePlus poate conduce proiecte de consultanta pentru a identifica tipul de solutii care raspund cel mai bine necesitatilor existente.
To define your options, identify the best solution and to better understand how involvement in such projects can lead FivePlus consulting projects to identify the type of solutions that best respond to existing needs.
| Romania
| | IT Made Simple Simple IT este SpamSentinel Partner, Symantec Silver Partner, VMware Professional Partner, Blue Coat Authorized Partner, Adobe Registered Reseller, GFI Authorised Reseller, WinRAR Certified Reseller, Autodesk AutoCAD LT Reseller, Cisco Registered Partner, PGP Bronze Partner, partener Websense, SwishZone Official Reseller, F5 Networks, Corel, Techsmith, Diskeeper, ThinSoft, Lavasoft, Shavlik, IronPort, SecurStar, Insightix, netForensics, AutoFX, Laplink si altii.
Simple IT is a SpamSentinel Partner, Symantec Silver Partner VMware Professional Partner, Blue Coat Authorized Partner, Registered Adobe Reseller, GFI Authorised Reseller, Certified WinRAR Reseller, AutoCAD LT Autodesk Reseller, Cisco Registered Partner, PGP Bronze Partner, partner Websense, SwishZone Official Reseller , F5 Networks, Corel, Techsmith, Diskeeper, ThinSoft, Lavasoft, Shavlik, IronPort, SecurStar, Insightix, netForensics, AutoFX, Laplink and others.
| Russia
| | Leta LETA IT-company – первый российский оператор типизированных ИТ-услуг, обеспечивающий заказчикам комплексные решения в областиинформационной безопасности.
LETA IT-company - the first Russian operator of standardized IT services, providing customers with comprehensive solutions in the field of information security.
| South Africa
| | The Solutions Workshop The Solutions Workshop (TSW) is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We distribute software and develop IT Solutions throughout Africa. The products that we distubute are centered around resolving Internet issues such as Spam control, Internet Content Management, Bandwidth Management and Virus protection. TSW has an established Business Partner Channel that operates in all areas of South Africa.
| Sweden
| | Donova Outsource your spam and virus protection with a simple MX redirect to our servers.
| Switzerland
| | CROSS-WORKS In the Collaboration (Notes, Domino, Sametime, Connections, Domino-based Mobile Device Management) and Document-Management (FileNet) area, we provide Engineering, Development and Operation services. This offering is complemented with world class tools and products from selected partners.
| Switzerland
| | IBMATRIX GMBH Vision: Our mission is to offer software manufacturers a convenient platform to market their products and services and to help companies to easily find software products and licenses as well as partners.
Concept: Software Competence Center is a global online marketplace for software manufacturer such as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, VMWare and their business partners who offer software based on manufactor middleware. The trading platform offers customers comprehensive information to all software offerings. The platform also provides an intelligent, cross-vendor product search.
| Switzerland
| | IDESO AG IDESO AG is a IBM Advanced Partner and runs Swiss-based Domino Hosting Centers. As IBM SmartCloud Reseller, IDESO is a LotusLive hybrid integrator and specialized for Software as a Service (SaaS). Founded in 1987, IBM Business Partner since 1994, and since 2010 a subsidiary of WebGate Consulting AG
| Switzerland
| | inter-ibex Consulting SA Créée en 1997 autour d'un centre de formation sur la technologie IBM Lotus Domino, inter-ibex Consulting SA est désormais experte dans la fourniture de tous les services et solutions nécessaires ŕ la mise en place d'application collaborative sur Lotus.
Nous proposons des solutions de BPM, de CMS et de mobilité sur Lotus. Nous sommes également compétent dans le domaine des migrations de versions et de plateformes.
| Switzerland
| | Novateam Consulting IBM and Lotus Business Partner since 2001, Novateam is an IT and services company based in Geneva and Sierre, Switzerland.
Expertise in
- Consulting : technical strategy, audit, IT architecture
- Administration : migration, installation, integration
- Realisation : specific development
IBM Lotus Notes and Domino expertise, software engineering
| Thailand
| | Evergreen Comware ด้วยพนักงานที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญด้าน Lotus Notes Technology มากกว่า 20 คน จึงถือได้ว่า เอเวอร์กรีน คอมแวร์ เป็น Lotus Notes Specialist ชั้นนำแห่งหนึ่งในเมืองไทย นอกจากฐานลูกค้าในประเทศไทยแล้ว เอเวอร์กรีน คอมแวร์เรายังขยายธุรกิจไปยังประเทศในแถบเอเชีย เช่น ฮ่องกง, ไต้หวัน, เวียดนาม, ลาว และ กัมพูชา
เอเวอร์กรีน คอมแวร์มุ่งเน้นการพัฒนาและนำเสนอบิซิเนสโซลูชั่นที่ทำงานบนพื้นฐานของ Lotus Notes และ Domino รวมถึงการให้บริการอื่นๆ เช่น การให้คำปรึกษา, คำแนะนำ, และฝึกอบรม ตลอดเวลากว่า 10 ปีที่ทางทีมค้นคว้าและวิจัยระบบได้ทำการออกแบบโซลูชั่นที่เหมาะสมกับองค์กรธุรกิจที่มีการแข่งขันสูงในปัจจุบัน เราภาคภูมิใจเป็นอย่างมากที่ระบบ "ContactPower" ซึ่งเป็น Contact Management System ของเอเวอร์กรีน คอมแวร์ได้รับรางวัล Asia Pacific Star Award 2000 เพี่ยงแห่งเดียวในประเทศไทย
Our aim is to assist our customers to improve their productivity, efficiency and organisation effectiveness through the use of our productivity-driven applications called "POWER SERIES". Comware Power Series contains a collection of standard business applications e.g. Human Resources Management System, Sales Automation System, Contact Management System, Call Center System, e-Procurement System and many more.
| Thailand
| | Intellect Systems สติปัญญา Systems เป็น IBM Business Partner ให้ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ Lotus Domino และความร่วมมือแก้ปัญหา สติปัญญาระบบตอบสนองความต้องการเติบโตของ Lotus Domino บริการออนไลน์และนำความเชี่ยวชาญที่ใช้ในองค์กรขนาดใหญ่ขนาดกลางและธุรกิจขนาดเล็กของชุมชน วันนี้สติปัญญา Systems ภาคภูมิใจให้แก้ที่หลากหลายของลูกค้าองค์กรและภาคเอกชนจากทั้งในประเทศและต่างประเทศ
Intellect Systems is an IBM Business Partner providing specialist Lotus Domino & Collaboration solutions. Intellect Systems meet the growing needs of Lotus Domino online services and brings the expertise used in large corporations to the medium and small businesses community. Today Intellect Systems proudly provides solutions to a wide range of corporate and private clients based both in Thailand and internationally.
| Turkey
| | Verisis AS Bilişim sektöründeki önderliği, yüksek kalite anlayışı ve stratejik iş
ortaklıklarıyla sektörde standartları belirleyen Verisis, sınırsız
enerjisi, üretmeye ve geliştirmeye adanmış sinerjisi ile farklı sektörlerde
faaliyet gösteren Yurtiçi ve Yurtdışı firmalara akılcı çözümler
oluşturmakta ve 25 yıldır artan bir enerji ile durmadan çalışmaktadır.
Türkiye ve Dünya IT teknolojilerindeki çözüm ve hizmetleri takip ederek,
mevcut ürün ve hizmet kalitesini arttırıp, sektördeki konumunu üst
basamaklara taşımaktadır.
1988 yılında kurulan Verisis, köklü ve bir o kadar da dinamik yapısıyla
danışmanlık, yazılım, donanım ve altyapı hizmetlerinde faaliyet
göstermektedir. Kurum ve kuruluşlara, açık, ölçeklenebilir, süreç
içerisinde oluşabilecek değişiklikleri karşılayabilecek ideal çözümleri
üretmek anlayışıyla yola çıkan Verisis, kaliteye odaklanmış bakış açısı ile
güvenilir bir "İş ortağı" olarak her zaman müşterisinin yanında olmayı ilke
Teknolojiye yön veren uluslar arası firmalar ile temsilciliklerini de
yürütmekte olan Verisis, Donanım, Danışmanlık, MIS, ERP, CRM, IT güvenliği,
Süreç ve ofis otomasyon çözümleri, Doküman takip ve arşiv sistemleri,
Uzaktan Eğitim ve e-devlet çözümlerini başarı ile yürütmektedir. Sosyal
sorumluluk bilinci ve etik yaklaşımı ile Verisis, kurulduğundan bugüne
sivil toplum kuruluşlarıyla işbirliği yaparak, ülke bilişim stratejilerinin
oluşturulmasında ve yazılım sektörünün ülkemizde gelişiminde üzerine düşen
rolü başarıyla yürüterek sektörde bir kalite farkı yaratmaktadır.
ODTU Teknokent bünyesinde bulunan ARGE OFİSİ aracılığı ile Üniversite
bünyesindeki Bölüm ve Enstitüler ile çeşitli ortak projeler yürüten
Verisis, bu ARGE faaliyetleri sonucunda ortaya çıkan ürün ve hizmetleri,
müşterilerine yararlı birer çözüme dönüştürmek için çalışmaktadır.
Leadership in the IT industry, high-quality and strategic business Verisis determines partnership with industry standards, unlimited energy, manufacturing, and dedicated to developing synergies with the different sectors rational solutions to domestic and foreign companies operating and is working to create an energy increasing steadily for 25 years.
Following in Turkey and the world of IT technology solutions and services, increasing the quality of existing products and services, the top position in the industry bears the digits.
Founded in 1988, Verisis, so a well-established and dynamic structure consulting, software, hardware and infrastructure services activities shows. Institutions and organizations, open, scalable, process in ideal solutions to meet changes that may occur
produce Verisis out with the understanding, perspective by focusing on quality was a reliable "partner" in principle always be next to the customers has adopted.
In the direction that international firms with offices Technology Verisis which carries out, Hardware, Consulting, MIS, ERP, CRM, IT security, Process and office automation solutions, document tracking and archiving systems, Distance Education and engages with the success of e-government solutions. Social Verisis with responsible and ethical approach is founded today in collaboration with civil society organizations, country information strategies formation and falling on the development of the software industry in our country.
The role is to create a quality difference in successfully conducting business.
In METU Technopolis within the University through the Office of Research and Development carrying out various joint projects under the auspices of the Department and Institute Verisis, the products and services as a result of this R & D activities,
is working to transform its customers a useful solution.
| Uganda
| | GLMZ LTD Great Lakes Information Management Solutions Limited
Pl 2d Nakasero hill road
Box 72193 Kampala
| Uganda
| | Great Lakes Information Management Solutions “Business Without Borders”
The East African Community is here to stay this time round and it does have implications for all businesses more especially the Micro, Small and Medium sector players. With the opportunities of a larger market attracting players who have unlimited resources, Competition will increasingly be more stiff and sector players whose processes are not efficiently exploited may lose out eventually.
On the other hand, those players with an ability to satisfy their customers efficiently will most likely reap the benefits of a larger market. As a reward for their efforts, they will enjoy growth that may see them rub shoulders with regional players.
| UK
| | Time Technology Ltd An IBM Premier Partner, we are a leading provider of licence, services and solutions to the IBM Lotus Software community within the UK.
Our services range from infrastructure management to solution delivery. Our focused offerings enable businesses to enjoy the best possible return on their investment in IBM Lotus Software technology. With a reputation for delivering high quality, high value services our client base has grown to include a variety of industries, from finance to pharmaceutical, construction to retail.
| United Kingdom
| | Basic Business Systems basic provide solutions to business problems. We use technology to provide real systems that deliver return on investment. We use a variety of reputable software and computer systems. We also design and develop our own business software, based on Lotus Notes and Domino, to help improve your business, it's processes and information routing.
,Basic Business Systems Through understanding your business needs, listening to your defined business problems and working with you to identify solutions, process innovations or systems improvements, basic aim to understand the problem, your IT infrastructure AND your business needs, BEFORE deciding upon the best technology route.
,Basic Business Systems basic work with key industry leading vendors including IBM Lotus Business Partners, specialising in Lotus Notes and Domino Systems and applications development.
| United Kingdom
| | ID Technology Limited ID Technology benefit from having IBM certified Lotus Notes/Domino Administrators, with over 30 years extensive hands on experience from 1st through to 3rd line support situations.
,ID Technology Limited During the past 15 years we have been supporting businesses that use IBM Lotus Notes and Domino along with other IBM Lotus products.
| United States
| | Best Methods We offer Notes/Domino, Sametime & Connections licensing, maintenance, and consulting, including staff replacement & remote support.
| United States
| | Davalen Davalen, LLC has been a trusted name in collaborative software solutions for the enterprise. We are a recognized authority on search and discovery and rapid portal application development.
| United States
| | Empowering Systems Unlimited remote support of your existing Lotus Notes/Domino environment. Lotus Notes/Domino support includes answering questions and solving problems related to the use of Lotus Notes and Domino. This support includes problem resolution for Lotus Notes clients; Domino server; Notes email; Internet email (SMTP) and replication. This service also includes administrative help such as assisting with the addition of new users and help with configuring Lotus Notes on new workstations.
| United States
| | Essential Business Software, Inc. Since January 1st, 2010 Essential Business Software, Inc. has been complementing its own range of award winning software products with a growing portfolio of Partner Applications, which EBSG regards as truly "Best-of-Breed" within their particular application areas. Many of these are not only applications that EBSG has used for many years itself to run its own operations and as such are applications that EBSG can wholeheartedly endorse, but in addition, many appear in the top 10 of the most highly rated applications as reviewed by current client users right here on the Notes App Store. Due to the success of this portfolio during 2010, EBSG will continue to extend its Partner Product Portfolio throughout the course of 2011 with a focus on additions that enhance our capability in the areas of "Application Mobilization", "Social Media for Business" and also a genuine Domino-based solution for all those Domino.doc users out there who are faced with an extremely costly upgrade if they are to follow IBM's preferred path of migrating them to a Quikr + Filenet combo.
| United States
| | Golden Notes Skills and Experience
Certified Lotus Notes Professionals * Application Development & System Administration
Certified Lotus Notes Instructor
Expertise in Lotus Macro Language, LotusScript , JavaScript, and HTML
Successful migrations to Release 8.0.1
Experience with Domino Clustering, BlackBerry Enterprise Server, Symantec Ant-Virus, Mayflower’s Spam Sentinel, TeamStudio Suite, NotesMan, ScanNotes and other third party applications.
Experience in Network Environment implementation.
Field engineering experience in network implementation.
Broad experience in Application Development. (VB, .net, ASP, SQL, COBOL, etc)
Experience with Windows Server 2003 & 2000. Windows XP, 2000 & MAC OS X
| United States
| | Malek & Associates Malek & Associates is a specialized Technology Consulting and Integration Services business. We focus on solving some of the most pressing technology challenges of our clients as it comes to messaging, collaboration, application services, and network services (wired and wireless). Please call us today to discuss how we can help solve some of those challenges.
| United States
| | PSC Group Helping Notes users, developers and administrators generate reports to and from Microsoft Word and Excel without modifying the design of their databases and without the need to install files on Domino servers or local machines.
| United States
| | Riverwatch Group, Inc. Web (Browser) Based Email Messaging
Riverwatch WebMail service includes mail hosting and support for your own mail domain at affordable rates. Need email help? Riverwatch has a cost effective and reliable solution for managing SPAM for Lotus Notes users. Riverwatch provides server-wide or single user spam filtering.
| United States
| | RPR Wyatt Celebrating 11 years of service and as an IBM Advanced Business Partner, we specialize in applications, migrations, health audits, outsourced management and development for both the IBM WebSphere family of applications as well as IBM Lotus Notes/Domino.
| | M&H Consulting, LLC Sales, roll-out, implementation, and support of SpamSentinel
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