SpamSentinel Sidebar Client for Lotus Notes
We took our fantastic Lotus Notes SpamSentinel and fit it into the Lotus Notes sidebar!

No Rules to setup.
Just install and SpamSentinel will immediately start blocking spam, even if your organization runs another filter!

Take back control of your Inbox!
  • Blocks over 99% of Spam
  • Automatically Allows anyone you have ever emailed
  • Allow any Senders you want
  • Block Senders you don't want (even if they are not spam)
  • Moves Spam to Junk folder
  • Deletes "really bad" spam

Anti-Spam protection is now performed "in the cloud" and is always up-to-date!

Download Software
Requires Lotus Notes 8.5.2 or higher.

Runs on Windows, Macintosh and Linux clients.

Click here to download
SpamSentinel Sidebar Client

Detailed Feature List
See what we have built into this version of SpamSentinel:
Click for a Detailed Feature List

SpamSentinel costs $49 for one user, including a one-year subscription, maintenance and upgrades. Volume pricing is available for 10 or more users.

Customer Review

Customer Comments
"The install was a piece of cake, and yes I'm very impressed with it so far. Yours is definitely the most functional anti-spam software for Lotus Notes that I've demoed so far. Nice job!"
Joe B, System E

"We are satisfied with the product, and would like to place an initial order for two licenses"

Jim S

"Can I get the full version? I HATE having that spam still in my mail box, yuck :-(D 


"This client is great. It is just what some of us have been looking for. I am the IS guy within an engineering department and as such have influence with the engineering group. I have mentioned the product to our larger IS group"

David T., System Coordinator

"So far so good I have to say. It works well"

Jim M., 


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