SpamSentinel 7.6
Leading the way to better spam management

Version 7.6 Components and Updated Functionality
SpamSentinel Version 7.6 is extremely stable with blocking rates in the 99.5% range!

We are very excited for the release of version 7.6. This version will be a major change for SpamSentinel. It is time that we rethink the way we manage Spam through the Daily Report. The volume of spam has increased so rapidly in the last few years that the Daily Report, which has been such an important part of SpamSentinel, has become oversized and hard to read.

So, we designed Version 7.6 to help the user focus on the smallest message set possible. We have added a 3rd check to our dual engine SpamSentinel. This means we now move more messages into the Spam-D (delete) category, leaving less for the user to have to examine. We are able to reduce the Daily Report by 75% with this version, which means instead of 120 items on each report, there will be 30! A user will see:
Missed Spam
Figures based on a test of 784 pieces of spam in 24-hour period sent to one user.

What is Different in Version 7.6?
Version 7.5 used two spam checking engines. This sometimes caused a "tie" if the engines did not agree. We decided to check with RBLs to break the tie, with great success. We do not advocate using RBLs by themselves but, in combination with other checks, they do have a place. Everything else works as before. With this third check, Spam-B (which we refer to as Undecided) have also been reduced 75%. These Undecided messages should now be sent to the Notes JunkMail folder.

We don't even consider the Spam-D anymore. It is the worst of the worst and should be automatically deleted (AutoDelete setting). Our focus is on Spam-C and Spam-B. With this new approach, any spam that slips through will be in these two categories, and most likely in the Spam-B category. A Spam-B is triggered by one check only. We now refer to these messages as Undecided as they have some "spamminess" but we could not get two sources to agree.

Because we have reduced the numbers of Spam-C and Spam-B, two really good things happen:

1. The Daily Report is readable again with only 20 to 30 messages per day.
2. Using the Notes JunkMail folder for Undecided mail (Spam-B), will result in approximately 4 to 6 messages per day that need to be reviewed.

Our recommended Server Configuration settings are as follows:
    • Category B - Undecided should be set to "Send to Junk Mail folder"*
    • Category C - Confirmed Spam should be set to "Mail-In Quarantine for Reporting"
    • Category D - Deletion Recommended should be set to "AutoDelete"
*To learn how to send the Spam-B to the Notes JunkMail folder, click here.

Improvements to Non-Windows/Checking Machine Installations (AS400/Linux/Solaris)

For the first time in SpamSentinel history we are now able to auto-update non-windows installations of SpamSentinel starting with Version 7.6. We have merged our Windows and Non-Windows code into a single stream allowing us to optimize product improvement. Additionally, we will be able to monitor these installations remotely using our monitoring tools and respond to events that need attention. The SpamSentinel services are now able to login automatically when the checking machine is restarted. These improvements allow us to provide a better product faster to these customers.

SpamSentinel Version 7.6 Component Changes




SSDuoE1 and SSDuoE2


Non-Windows/Checking Machine Installations (AS400/Linux/Solaris)