NOTICE: The SSMoveSpamToFolder agent has been obsoleted.
This functionality is now handled by our Manage by Example product which offers extended functionality.
Please visit the Manage By Example home page for more information

SpamSentinel SSMoveSpamToFolder Agent

Here is the agent that you can insert into your mail template to move Category "B" messages to the Junk Mail folder for the user.
If the agent is not installed, and you select the following option:

then the user will receive the bulk mail in their Inbox with a subject like:
[SpamSentinel] Make money working from home

With the agent running, the mail router will put the bulk mail directly into the user's JunkMail folder (and create the folder if it does not exist).
The user should have about 4% of their spam in the Junk Mail folder, or about 4 messages for a person receiving 100 spams per day.

The SSJunkMailAgent_7001.nsf is a notes client based installer that can be used to add the 'SSMoveSpamToFolder' agent to your organization's mail templates.

Right click the link below and select "Save Target As". Then open the file using your Notes client application. The installation takes only a minute or two to perform.

<file attachment removed by Mayflower Software>

A few notes about installing this agent:

1. Since you are installing the agent to the mail templates, the agent will not become active for your end-user mail files until those files have refreshed their designs from the appropriate templates.
2. It is critical that the Notes ID used to perform this installation is one that can access all mail files in your organization, otherwise when the agent is 'signed' by that ID, it may not have authority to modify the mail messages. If necessary, you can always use your Domino administration client to sign the mail templates with the Server ID after they have had the new agent installed.
3. If you wish to install this agent to only a few mail files, you can open the design of SSJunkMailAgent_7000.nsf and get at the agent directly using Domino Designer.

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Chris Rich (508) 523-8521
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