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CompanyAscendant Technology
Ascendant Technology

A Ascendant Technology é uma empresa com mais de 210 arquitetos, consultores, analistas e desenvolvedores dedicados que trabalham centenas de milhares de horas para construir soluções elegantes em uma variedade de plataformas, indústrias e problemas comerciais.
Nos orgulhamos da nossa envergadura e profundidade de entendimento técnico e comercial e do capital intelectual que produzimos. Para oferecer aos nossos clientes benefício total da nossa experiência e trabalhos já realizados, nós capturamos, refinamos e empacotamos as melhores metodologias, padrões de soluções, e artefatos de software como uma série de ativos que farão com que seu próximo investimento seja melhor, mais rápido, e claro, mais barato.
Ascendant Technology is a company with over 210 architects, consultants, analysts and developers who work devoted thousands of hours to build elegant solutions in a variety of platforms, industries and business problems.
We are proud of our breadth and depth of technical understanding and commercial and intellectual capital that we produce. To offer our customers the full benefit of our experience and work already done, we capture, refine and package the best methodologies, standard solutions, and software artifacts as a series of assets that will make your next investment is better, faster And of course cheaper.

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  • Include specific reasons why you liked this product, highlighting specific features that made the product useful to you.
  • If possible, mention your role in your organizations as well as your role as it relates to Lotus Notes.
  • Reviews between 100 and 500 words are best.

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